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Gov. Newsom visits site of Line Fire, issues state of emergency for Bridge and Airport Fires

California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a state of emergency for the Bridge and Airport Fires, two of the massive wildfires ravaging Southern California in recent days. 
The declaration comes just days after he similarly did the same for the Line Fire over the weekend. Combined, the three have torched more than 100,000 acres of vegetation, most of which is burning in national forests. 
He made the announcement shortly after visiting the area, namely the outskirts of the Line Fire, which has forced evacuations for thousands living in the San Bernardino Mountains, including communities like Big Bear. 
The declaration will allow the state government to provide further assistance to local agencies that are expending resources as they continue to battle the massive fires. 
The state recently secured assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, adding another level of support to the response from Southern California first responders, which is currently being stretched thin by the urgency required to handle each of the incidents. 
“California is deploying every available resource to combat these devastating fires, and we’ll continue to work in lockstep with federal and local partners in this herculean effort,” said a statement from the governor. “We are deeply grateful to all the heroic firefighters and first responders on the ground working 24/7 to keep Californians safe.”
